Our department provides theoretical and practical training at undergraduate and graduate levels with its specialized academic staff. The department contains two divisions named as “Fisheries Technology” and “Seafood Processing Technology”. Scientific studies and research projects related to marine and inland waters of Turkey are carried out in this department. The scope of divisional research projects could be summarized as;
Fisheries Technology
- Population dynamics,
- Stock assessment,
- Fisheries management,
- Fishing gears,
- New fishing technics,
- Recreational, Amateur, Small-scale and Industrial fishery,
- Invasive species (in relation to fisheries)
- Artificial reefs,
- Marine protected areas,
- Visual census,
- Ghost fishing,
- Underwater research
Academic Staff
Prof. Dr. Celal ATEŞ (
Head of the Division)
Assist. Prof. Anıl GÜLŞAHİN
Res. Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasan CERİM
Res. Assist. Dr. İsmail REİS
Seafood Processing Technology
- To carry out studies on quality and security of seafood during preparation, consumption and preservation stages,
- Determination of nutrient content and label information of seafood,
- Application of alternative seafood processing technologies,
- Food microbiology applications,
- Determination of appropriate seafood conservation techniques,
- Implementation of quality assurance standards to seafood,
- Evaluation of hygiene and sanitation in seafood processing plants,
- Planning and projecting of seafood processing plants,
- Carrying out R & D studies
Academic Staff
Prof. Dr. Ali GÜNLÜ (
Head of the Division)
Prof. Dr. Taçnur BAYGAR
Prof. Dr. Latif TAŞKAYA
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yunus ALPARSLAN
Res. Assist. Dr. Cansu METİN
Furthermore, master and doctoral level courses are offered for Aquaculture and Fisheries Engineering Program of the Graduate Institute of Natural Sciences and Technology.